Our Ministries
What we do and how we do it.
Our church services are not what you might have seen in other places. The first thing you’ll probably notice is that there are no pews or pulpits and and no pompous displays of religiosity.
Instead, we have a big table where we sit together, break bread, and serve one another. It’s not exactly a Eucharist or a Communion service, but we do it for similar reasons. It’s intentionally unceremonious and it represents the mutual trust, love, and safety we share as Christians.
We meet outside, weather permitting, and our services last about an hour. We use our time together to engage in fellowship, read passages from the Bible and other books, and discuss how we can apply what we learn to our shared journey through life. We often have music playing and sometimes sing songs together, but we don’t have a concert-like praise and worship service on a stage or other operatic events rooted in spectacle, like altar calls and water baptisms.
A Natural church is a church that gets back to the basics. It’s fundamentals without fundamentalism. If that sounds like something you’re looking for, come join us sometime. We’ll save you a seat.
Community Outreach
Christianity is not just a state of being or a badge for us to brandish. It’s a ongoing process that begins when we choose to orient our lives in a new direction. It’s a journey that we make as individuals and as members of our families and communities. Our community outreach programs help us spread Jesus’ message of love and liberation to folks around us.
Church is like a harbor and Christians are like ships. Ships in a harbor are safe, but that’s not what ships are built for. Our focus on apostleship frames church as a place of comfort and safety where folks can engage in fellowship, study, learn, discuss, and grow as Christians on a journey that ultimately leads them to go out and plant new churches and ministries of their own. Our goal is not to grow our congregation. Our goal is to spread the good news far and wide.
Direct Service
Jesus came to serve and told us that we ought to do the same thing. We put God’s love into action by providing meals and ministry to the folks who need them most. We seek out opportunities to help and serve folks around us. It’s a habit that starts in our services, where we serve one another, and it extends past the boundaries of our congregation into our community and beyond.
Get involved
Reach out to us to be a part of an upcoming outreach activity, community service drive, or Sunday gathering.
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Tithe and Offering
Your contributions fund church operations and ministries. We ask folks to give what they can with a joyful and generous heart.