What is Natural Church?
A bit about what we believe and how we see the world.
We believe church these days has gotten too complicated and too cluttered with superficial things that distract us from the work that Jesus called us to do. We are a diverse, multigenerational congregation of folks from all walks of life who share the belief that church should be simple and down to earth.
We identify as Christians, and we know that word means different things to different people. Here is what it means to us:
We believe Jesus is the light of the world, and we try to live our lives the way he would have wanted us to live. We view our Christianity as an ongoing process and a journey that we make not only as individuals but also as members of our families and our communities. We strive to embody God’s love in all that we do, whether we’re breaking bread together, discussing a great passage in a book, or serving people in our city.
Our church operates on three core pillars:
Universal Reconciliation
We believe in a gracious and merciful God whose love does not fail. There will be no eternal suffering or lakes of fire. By laying down his life for us, Jesus has saved us all from sin and death forever.
Our church is meant to be a place of comfort and safety where folks can engage in fellowship, study, learn, discuss, and grow as Christians on a journey that ultimately leads them to go out and plant new churches and ministries of their own. Church is like a harbor and Christians are like ships. Ships in a harbor are safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.
At the heart of the good news that Jesus brought is a message of freedom. Our salvation means deliverance from sin and liberation from oppression. We believe our job as Christians is to be an active embodiment of God’s love by serving the poor and taking action to uproot the oppressive systems that shackle them to a life of poverty and exploitation.
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Reach out to us to be a part of an upcoming outreach activity, community service drive, or Sunday gathering.
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Tithe and Offering
Your contributions fund church operations and ministries. We ask folks to give what they can with a joyful and generous heart.